Droit collaboratif

Collaborative law

Judicial proceedings can sometimes be long, costly and strenuous. However, there is an alternative. Indeed, the parties in dispute can, with the help of lawyers, come to an agreement and settle their case, without having to go to courts. 

The collaborative law process is a voluntary and confidential way of resolving disputes through negotiation. It involves at least four people, i.e. the parties in dispute, as the main negotiators, and their respective lawyers, who advise and assist them.

This process involves the presence of the parties and their lawyers throughout all of the negotiation meetings, with a view to finding an acceptable common ground for each party.

The Köln, Liege-Huy and Verviers Bars set up, on 25 November 2016, the International Centre for Collaborative Law (I.C.C.L.)  (see articles 118-119 Codex). The I.C.C.L. suggests a list of lawyers who have received appropriate training, signed the collaborative law charter and undertaken, as far as possible, to cast the agreement referred to in section 10 of the charter in the form of a lawyer’s deed.

List of certified lawyers :


To enter into the collaborative law process, each party consults one of its lawyers who are trained in collaborative law and a Participation Agreement to a Collaborative Law Process is signed by the parties and their respective counsels :


In case of an international dispute, parties will agree upon the applicable law within such Participation Agreement.


For more information, please contact the I.C.C.L. :

Liege Bar, C/O Mrs Pahaut, Palais de Justice (Courts House)

Place Saint Lambert, 16

4000 LIEGE

Tel.: +32 4 232 56 68

Fax: +32 4 223 19 99

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